Copy the rndc.key and then paste it inside of nf. This tutorial will lead you to install VMWare Zimbra Network Edition 8.0.2 GA. Sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart Now the DNS server is set.

It also have feature-rich AJAX web interface and is compatible with clients such as Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail, and Novell Evolution so that mail, contacts, and calendar items can be synchronised from these to the Zimbra Collaboration Suite open source edition. Zimbra Collaboration Suite an open source mail server is not just to send and receive emails but it’s a fully featured which includes easily manage and search large inboxes of emails using folders, tags, filters and conversation views in a rich, innovative user interface.

This guide shown you how to installing and configure Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) Open Source Edition 8 as web mail server on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS machine.