If you’re a fan of Minesweeper or Hearts then you’ll still need to search for both in the Windows Store, or just admit defeat to Solitaire and spend your office day shuffling virtual cards instead of working on that important Excel spreadsheet. This worked like a charm and even retained my spider statistics from Windows 7. Last straw was when Microsoft took over my computer sign-on after I installed their 'Store' versions of Spider and Freecell. Only Solitaire is back as a built-in app so far, and that may even change by the time Windows 10 ships in the summer. Thank you so much Been looking for this for days LOL:) ever since the Windows 10 install and subsequent tweaks. It’s a similar decision to the return of the Start Menu, bringing back features Windows users are familiar with.

It’s the same modern version from Windows 8, but you no longer have to search around the Windows Store to find it and play. Microsoft is now bringing back Solitaire as a built-in game on Windows 10. While overhauled and modern versions were available in the Windows Store, there’s nothing quite as nostalgic as navigating to Start > Programs> Accessories > Games, and finding the classic Windows games. Despite admitting games like Solitaire, Minesweeper, and Hearts " have a devoted following," Microsoft chose to remove them from Windows 8.